Salon & Store Retail
Join Our WholeSale Partnership
Jade Vines Natural Hair Care is looking to expand its network and welcome new partners on board. We want salon stylists and store owners who want to take their business to the next level by offering life-changing products that cater to every aspect of their customers' hair, from root to tip. Our innovative products are designed to provide scalp-soothing and nourishing care to the entire scalp and hair flow, using the most beneficial non-cancerous ingredients. In addition, hair stylists will become  Jade Vines Natural Hair Care certified in using every product we offer. If you are a hair stylist with your own salon, or a store owner we would love to hear from you. Simply fill out the form below to join our life-changing movement.
The Availability of Natural Hair Products
Nowadays, the market is saturated with various natural hair products. However, the majority of these products are chemically processed and contain too many synthetic ingredients. In other words, while the products claim to be natural, some are still chemically based. As a result, truly natural and effective treatments cannot simply be purchased but must be created from true natural whole foods and herbs.